There was a teacher who really got on my nerves, but surprisingly, he shared some insightful advice with me. He emphasized the importance of discovering one's purpose and passion in life. I found his words quite thought-provoking and eye-opening.
To truly have a fulfilling life that brings you joy, it is imperative to discover your purpose.
What is something you enjoy?
Have you ever started a project or practiced a new song- Maybe painted a picture or wrote an article, and completely forgot about everything else? Like basic needs… going to the bathroom, eating, that kind of stuff.
Once, while engrossed in painting a picture, I came to the realization that I had neglected to take a break for a bathroom visit. Lost in my work, I had even forgotten to eat, and time had swiftly slipped away without my notice.
None of that was as important as what I was doing in the moment.
Think of a time when you were so caught up in what you were doing that you forgot to use the bathroom, eat a meal, Or pick up your kids from school... See what you come up with, it’s a start.
(I ALMOST forgot to pick up my kids, once )